Shriekback: Lyrics to "Care"

Lined Up / Cleartrails / Hapax Legomena / Petulant / Lines From The Library / Brink Of Collapse / Sway / Into Method / Evaporation / In:Amongst.

All songs published by EMI Music Publishing Ltd.

All songs written by Dave Allen, Barry Andrews and Carl Marsh except 'Hapax Legomena' co-written with Carlos Ascuitti, and 'Into Method' co-written with Ian Caple.

Note that 'Hapax Legomena' is indecipherable (with vocals - as opposed to lyrics! - by Carlo Ascuitti), and 'In:Amongst' is an instrumental. Also, US copies of this album included 'Accretions' (for which, see the album 'Tench'), and 'My Spine (Is The Bassline)' (which will be included in a page of miscellaneous lyrics, to follow).

Lyrics reproduced with permission from members of Shriekback.
Transcribed by Phil Hetherington, with thanks to Barry Andrews and Carl Marsh for answering queries etc.

I am also indebted to Ron Sylvester and John Hilgart (and anyone else I've forgotten) for their contributions towards transcribing 'Cleartrails'. It all helped! Eventually Carl found his lyric sheet (with some prompting from Barry) - thanks guys.

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Phil Hetherington
Last Modified: 28.04.05